Who is this strange individual?

My first ‘book’ was bashed out on an old typewriter in kindergarten, and told a nonsensical tale of tug-boats and caterpillars in top hats. Fully illustrated. Truly profound. Since then my writing has come a long way, but my eccentricity is still locked firmly in place — precisely where it should be.

I was a member of various invitational extracurricular activities centred around writing during school, and won several awards for stories and poetry. Though no such programs existed in my senior education, that attraction to tales continued. This did not escape the fascination of my peers and seniors by any stretch, but mostly I assume they believed I was heavily addicted to the effusion of blue pens. Undergoing a bizarre evolution into an interest in stage, directing and art, my obsession with spinning a good yarn then curved right back around to where I started — with writing — where it remained solidly stuck and has been so ever since.

Currently I’m working towards a BA in Ancient History (with a minor in language… and a very minor in bad language) in which my best areas are mythology and the Romans. And I’m loving it.

Meanwhile, I continue to work tirelessly and resolutely towards my goal: to be a successful, published author.

Here I will occasionally bash out a brief diatribe about writing, art, toys, history, or something completely irrelevant,  and maybe even answer a question or two.

Hi, I’m Amanda, and this is my blog.

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